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Milkweed 23-45



-Defiance: Misha and Janina find a way out of the ghetto to steal food from the city and bring it back to their family.

-Family love: we can see how much Mr. Milgrom love his whole family, and how fond Misha has become for his, also the love he feels for Janina.

- Fear: this is the main feeling everyone in the ghetto feels when they hear that they are going to be deported to death camps.

-Solitude: this is how Misha feels after he looses Janina and after he realizes that Uri was a Jackboot but still saved his life. He feels like this after all his friends and family, the Milgroms, are sent to a concentration camp.

-Perseverance: Misha decides to follow the train traks until he reaches the concentration camp where his family is. This is clearly an act of bravery and perseverance.

-Sympathizers: a farmer and his wife hide Misha from the nazis and prevent him from exposing himself to danger. Therefore the farmer and his wife were jew sympathizers.

-Family and New oportunities: Finally the war is over and Misha grows up with a family of his own.

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